The Waukesha Freeman (Waukesha, Wisconsin): Local Ophthalmologist Treats Former Kindergarten Teacher’s Glaucoma with Microscopic Stents

Sep 26, 2022 | Blog

“She was part of a team that taught me to read, sing, learn shapes and letters. It is really neat to [treat] somebody who has given me a lot of gifts, too.” – Dr. Jessica Schrieber on Sue Howard, her former kindergarten teacher

After managing her glaucoma with eye drops for several years, Sue Howard, 71, grew concerned that her vision was declining. She sought out her former kindergarten student, Dr. Jessica Schrieber of Medical Eye Associates, for help. Building trust with a caregiver is important to Sue, and with Dr. Schrieber, that trust was already there. Sue, who recalls her former student as kind and bubbly, instantly felt comfortable with Dr. Schrieber. So when Dr. Schrieber recommended that Sue be implanted with iStent inject® W during cataract surgery to help manage her glaucoma, she was immediately onboard. 

Sue was implanted with iStent inject® W in both eyes during cataract surgeries earlier this year. Since then, she has lowered her eye pressure and has been able to stop taking daily glaucoma medications. Sue is no longer worried about her losing vision due to her glaucoma. She’s also glad she was able to reconnect and share some memories with her former student after all these years. The next time she experiences any concerns with her vision, she knows just who to call. 

Sue and Dr. Schrieber recently spoke with The Waukesha Freeman to discuss Sue’s journey with glaucoma and the importance of seeking timely treatment. You can check out the full story here.

For more information on glaucoma or to read about similar experiences like Sue, visit our website.

Speak With a Physician About iStent Today

Help is right around the corner. Leading ophthalmologists across the country offer iStent® technology, including the most recently FDA-approved iStent inject® W, designed to help reduce intraocular pressure in patients undergoing concurrent cataract surgery. Find out if you are a candidate for iStent inject® W by speaking with a trained physician in your area today.

Locate an iStent inject® W physician near you:

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